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For questions or concerns, please call (844) 721-8029.
Utility payments can be made online, via the phone at 1-866-397-8550, or at the Municipal Building at 21 1st Avenue NE. When paying your bill at the Municipal Building, bring your entire statement to ensure proper validation.
The net bill (the original amount of the bill before penalties) is due in our office by the end of the business day on the Due Date. Bills not paid by the end of the business day on the Due Date will be assessed penalties. Failure to receive your bill does not relieve your obligation to pay the bill.
If your bill is unpaid five days after the due date, service may be disconnected, and an administrative fee will be charged. If you are disconnected for nonpayment, you may be required to bring your deposit up to the required current amount. Bills not paid by 5:00 p.m. the day before cut-off day will be charged an administrative fee.
Payments placed in the night deposit after 5:00 p.m. on the day before cut-off day will be charged an administrative fee.