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Residential street side collection, utilizing cart containers, is provided once a week. You must roll your cart to the street no earlier than 6:00 p.m. of the day before your scheduled collection and you must roll it back to the rear or side of your home no later than 7:00 p.m. of the day of collection. Carts not rolled back by their designated time will be rolled back by the Solid Waste Department for a fee established in the City Service Fee Schedule.
No carts shall be placed in the street. Only bagged household garbage should be placed in your cart. Residential alleyway collection and neighborhoods utilizing rollaway carts is provided each Monday. Residential customers utilizing rollaway containers should have containers placed for pick up the night before collection (no earlier than 6 p.m.)
If residential household debris is too large to fit into a standard roll-off container like building materials, furniture, large appliances, etc., you can put the debris in your normal collection location to be picked up. Once the debris has been placed at the curb, call Public Works at 229-668-5423 to let us know it is ready for collection. Small volumes are collected at no additional charge, while larger volume collections are subject to a minimum $25.00 charge and, depending upon the volume, may also entail a collection charge of landfill disposal costs, plus equipment, labor, and overhead costs.
Yard trimmings such as leaves, grass clippings, tree limbs, and brush are collected weekly. Limbs must be no longer than four feet and no larger than four inches in diameter. Trimmings should not be placed in garbage containers, plastic bags, in street, or in ditches. They should not have any type of debris mixed in with it such as; paper, plastic, boards, tires, etc. (this type material is picked up as commingle). Yard trimmings with debris mixed with it will generate a violation notice and the resident will have 3 days to separate the debris from the trimmings and will be picked up on their next scheduled pick up day. If the pile is not separated, it will be picked up and entail a minimum charge of $25. Trimmings from the original development of a lot will not be collected. Trimmings generated by tree surgeons are collected only after a natural disaster.
Small volumes of trimmings are included in the monthly collection fee. Large volumes will incur a minimum $25.00 charge and may also entail a collection charge of disposal costs, plus equipment, labor, and overhead costs, depending on the volume.