Scrap Tire Amnesty Event for Colquitt County Residents
June 16th and 17th 2023 (8:00am – 5:00pm)
Colquitt County is pleased to announce that we will have a scrap tire amnesty event scheduled for June 16th and 17th 2023.
This event allows citizens within Colquitt County and its municipalities to bring scrap tires to the Recycling Facility located at 245 23rd Street N.E between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm. This is a two day event only.
These scrap tires can only be passenger, tractor trailer, or front and rear farm tractor scrap tires.
No heavy equipment tires, especially skidder tires, can be accepted. No scrap tires will be accepted from retail tire dealers, or commercial scrap tire generators.
The specifications for this event will be strictly enforced by Colquitt County and EPD. There will be no exceptions to the dates, times or tire types.
No tires will be accepted at the landfill at any time.
For more information please contact the Colquitt Solid Waste Department at 229-616-7405.