Saturday, May 25, 2024, 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Moultrie-Colquitt County Library, 204 4th St. SE, Moultrie, GA
Whether you are new to genealogy or you’ve been working on your family history for years, incorporating the research of others can always be tricky. Here’s how to develop a proven strategy to benefit from the work of other genealogists.
Many of us as genealogists have inherited research from a relative and we are not always sure whether the content is reliable. What’s the best way to incorporate the research of others into your own research without leading to dead ends, roadblocks, and unnecessary detours? Here’s a road map on the best way to handle “outside research” and benefit from it as you combine the content with your own research.
Thomas MacEntee is a professional genealogist specializing in the use of technology and social media to improve genealogical research and as a means of interacting with others in the family history community. He is a popular national speaker at RootsTech. He is also a blogger, educator, author, social media connector, and online community builder and has over 42 years of experience researching family history. Thomas somehow “fell” into the technology industry almost 40 years ago, leaving a lucrative career in information technology to pursue his love of family history and genealogy.
For more information, call the library at 229-985-6540 or email Reservations are not required but are appreciated so we can provide adequate seating and materials.